TEST: What trait do you value most in a romantic relationship?

Shkruar nga Anabel

4 Shkurt 2025

TEST: What trait do you value most in a romantic relationship?

Here is a simple test that will reveal what you value most in a relationship:

Read the following story.

A man, his wife, and two other men are the only survivors of a plane crash in the ocean. Unfortunately, the first man swam to a different island than his wife and the other two men, who all three swam together.

The woman was devastated. She spent days and days sitting by the water's edge, staring at her husband's island, wailing and screaming for him with absolute rage. After a few weeks, she couldn't bear to be away from him anymore, so she approached the two other men on her island to ask them to help her cross to her husband's island.

Man #1 shook his head.

"I'm so sorry, but I can't take you to the other island," he told her.

"But if you decide to stay here with me, I will build you a house, hunt for you, provide you with food, and keep you safe."

The woman then went and asked man #2, who told her he could help her, but on one condition.

"I will build a boat, and I will even carry you on my back and deliver you to your husband, but only if you will have intimate relations with me."

The woman faced an impossible choice: forget her husband and stay on the island safely, or she could break her marriage vows but end up with her husband.

After a difficult day of thinking, the woman decided that she simply could not live without her husband, no matter the cost, so she went and reluctantly informed husband #2 that she would agree to his terms.

He kept his word. He built a boat and sent the woman to her husband. However, as they approached the island, he stopped and told the woman that it was time to fulfill his end of the bargain and sleep with her. 

She could see her husband waving to her from the shore of his island, so she begged husband #2 to let her go without making her break her marriage vows. But husband #2 wouldn't budge; instead, he threatened to return the boat if she didn't pay, so the woman gave in and did as he asked.

When she finally went to her husband, beyond the relief of finally being with him again, he was angry with her.

"I saw what you did to that man and I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore," he said, ignoring her desperate explanations that this was the only way to get back to him.

In your head, place the 4 people in this story, in order of who was, in your view, most correct and who was not for how each character in the story behaved in reaction to their given circumstances.

Ranking from most to least correct will tell you what quality you value most in your relationships.


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Source: Your Tango