If you think you've had a bad date, wait until you read these stories. Some are so bizarre, it seems like fate was playing a joke on you.
"Family above all else"
We had been talking on social media for over two months. At our first meeting, we learned that we were related. We promised each other that it would remain a secret!
This is exactly why basic questions should be asked before the meeting: "Where are you from?", "Do you have anyone from my area?", "Did your grandparents have any questionable history in their youth?"
"He ate my money... with difficulty"
After I had only had coffee twice (because my mom forced me to give it a chance), his mother went to my father's work and said:
"Your daughter is stealing my son's money by going out with him! Are they going to get engaged or not?"
My brain is gone.
I knew you would get engaged if you had at least ordered a cappuccino.
"20 minutes away to see a smoking statue"
We went out. I walked to the meeting place (20 minutes away). We were having a great time chatting online. Live didn't say anything, just smoked cigarettes. He couldn't put two words together. (F*ck you Jozin!) Then he disappeared and we never saw each other again. My legs still hurt from the walk I took, even after so many years.
Some men are like movie trailers - they look great online, but in reality they're a total disappointment. At least he offered you a taxi back...
“And he ate… and took some with him”
We let her meet us at a bar. Then she says, “Look, I’m dying to eat.” I say, “Let’s go to a restaurant.” No, she says, there’s a pizzeria nearby. We went there. She ordered a family pizza for herself. I ordered a regular one. After she ate hers and a piece of mine, she says, “Should I take a regular one with me?”
There are people who use Tinder for love and there are others who use it as "food delivery." After all, love comes and goes, carbs are forever.
"The International of Fraud"
During the conversation, he bragged about how many girls wrote to him, how his friend's girlfriend flirted with him, how he had lived in Germany for a few months... Andrew Tate was his idol. When I spoke German to him, he got stuck. He wanted to borrow my car for the beach. In the end, he asked me to drive him home because he had come by taxi. Poor guy.
Usually, those who idolize Andrew Tate have only one thing in common with him: their lack of hair.
"Vertical surprise"
After a long time of writing to me, he asked me to meet. We met… but what did I see? 1.50 tall. My brain went crazy. He took longer to meet me and the strongest thing: in coffee he would tell me about himself while on the phone he was different. Live, he just boasted and had a long little fingernail!
This meeting is a testament to two basic rules:
1. Never trust photos.
2. If someone has a long little fingernail, run away!
“Germany with (excessive) survival instinct”
On the first date, he stopped by the organic waste bin and collected fruit that people had thrown away. He also picked up a pair of socks from the ground near the bin. My brain went crazy!
Some people want to save the world. Some people want to save a rotten apple from the bins of Berlin.
"Meeting with the father's slap"
I went out with a singer and the date was really bad. Then my dad slapped him and me, and it got really bad.
I have only one question: Did he sing after the slap: "Why are you scolding me, your master?"
@topchanneltvalbania "Why are you scolding me, sir..."/ Jozi's message to Loredana's father: I love your daughter and I suffer for her
? original sound - Top Channel - Big Brother Vip
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