Loneliness is a universal concept, a feeling that no one can completely escape. The human experience is unique to each of us, bringing with it different emotions and reactions. It is this diversity of experiences that makes life so rich—and, at the same time, so frightening. The unknowns of life often paralyze us, but what if the fear of the unknown were to disappear? And most importantly, how would you feel if we told you that your only purpose in life is simply to be—to experience everything that is offered to you?
The “Egg Theory,” formulated by Andy Weir, attempts to provide an answer to the purpose of human existence. According to this theory, every human being who has ever existed is, in fact, a new version of yourself. The universe you know was built just for you. Your soul contains all the memories, lessons, and experiences of previous lives, even though you cannot recall them. The human brain is simply too limited to absorb all that you have been and will be.
If this sounds hard to understand, think of it this way: every time you talk to someone, you're actually talking to another version of yourself. Every time you help someone, you're helping another version of yourself. And, likewise, any injustice you do to someone else is simply pain you're inflicting on yourself.
According to the “egg theory,” there are infinitely many versions of you and will continue to exist until you have experienced every emotion, every experience, every victory, and every possible defeat. Only then will you be able to be the most complete and enlightened version of yourself. In one life you may have been a Roman emperor, in another a simple soldier. You have been the outcast of society, but also the one who excluded others. You have won a war and lost a war - you are everything and everyone who has ever existed.
But what does all this mean? If the theory is true, then the purpose of the human soul is to learn, to absorb every possible experience and wisdom, in order to move on to another stage of existence - a stage where you no longer need a physical body, but become a guide for another soul, helping it through its endless lives.
At first glance, this theory may seem selfish. The idea that all of existence is created just for us seems a bit narcissistic. But if you look at it differently, it is universal. The “egg theory” explains how every human being is intimately connected to others. If every person understood that at some point in their life they have been - or will be - in the shoes of another, perhaps the world would be a much more sensitive and just place. If every person treated the other as if they were looking at themselves in a mirror, can you imagine how many things would change?
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