As you may have heard/read, a shocking event has evoked thousands of public reactions, since the lives of cancer patients are traded in the Oncology hospital of the State University of Health and Medicine. Doctors and other staff have been embroiled in an inhumane scandal, which has been made public through wiretapping that sheds light on a horrific scheme of abuse.
The head nurse of the Oncology Department, Afrim Ruçi, was involved in the abusive scheme, who played the role of a realtor and was the way of communication between doctors, but also the pharmacies of different patients, to ensure chemotherapy treatments.
They sold chemotherapy drugs to private entities, also sent patients to be treated in private hospitals, giving excuses like waiting, long queues, etc., but this was not true.
Since the publication of Anabel's case, many messages came to our DM, in which followers narrated their touching stories in the hospital where business is done with the lives of people suffering from cancer.
Below, you'll find some of the followers' testimonials!
"I went through a horror for two years in a row and I continue to go through it every day after my mother's death. I think every day that I didn't try hard enough, I didn't do as much as I could, I should have done this and that. Mom was an Oncology patient with a very serious diagnosis, and when I think that the chemotherapy drugs that the Oncology hospital administered could have been half, a quarter dose or even just physiological, I feel terribly bad. I mean, it's good that the diagnosis was terminal, it's good that emotionally, spiritually, physically the mother was dying (and I along with her), these doctors took samples and the medicine and without any sense of guilt said "this is how the dose is made, a quarter because it is a very strong medicine ". I really don't know how they can play with the lives of cancer patients. When a person goes to that hospital, he is exhausted, hopeless. I will never forget my mother's tears when she was told she was going to have chemotherapy, and for those tears of hers, I wish with all my heart that they will be paid where it hurt the most, in this life and in the next, those doctors and those sample staff ".
“Përshëndetje! Jam një nga ata personat që kam kaliar dhe vazhdoj ta kalojmë të njëjtën gjë si familje, për aq kohë sa ndjekim mamin në Onkologjik. Kam qenë disa herë prezente kur mami filloi kimioterapitë dhe më vinte të fshiheshim poshtë karriges kur futeshim në zyrën e Alketës (një ndër mjeket e përmendura në rastin e Onkologjikut), njeriu që në vend të zemrës kishte gurë. E zymtë, e pataktë, agresive, pa pikë profesionaliteti, hapte gojën vetëm kur i jepje 5,000 lekë të reja, se me 2,000 lekë vazhdonte të rrinte si mur. Nuk e ke idenë se ç’vuajtje pi kalojmë këto dy vite që kur kemi marrë atë lajm. Njerëzit presin te dera sikur do u japin lëmoshë. Në sytë e tyre shikon vetëm vuajtje, sa më vinte t’i përqafoja të gjithë. Të trajtuar nga vetë mjeku pa dinjitet, pa personalitet, fiks si ajo kafsha që shkon te kasapi”.
“Një tmerr i vërtetë! Kam shkuar për babin dhe ka qenë një traumë. Të hidhnin nga një cep në tjetrin. Vetëm lekë-lekë dhe të dukej sikur po të jepje lekë do të të ndihmonin. Një rrëmujë që nuk kuptohej asgjë. Duhet të hetohen të gjithë ata. Janë njerëzit më të këqij që mund të ndeshesh në jetë. Kushdo që ishte, e vrisnin akoma dhe më shumë me çfarëdo gjëje që i bënin”.
“Kisha dëgjuar për gjithë tmerret dhe mizoritë që kalonin njerëzit në atë spital, që në vend që të shëroheshin, përfundonin në depresion të thellë dhe në shumicën e rasteve, nuk ia dilnin dot. Për këtë arsye, kur mami u diagnostikua me kancer në gji, vendosëm ta kuronim në një spital privat, edhe pse nuk ishim në gjendje aq të mirë ekonomike. Për këtë sëmundje, përpos mjekimit, pjesa mendore është shumë e rëndësishme. Pacientët mbi të gjitha duhet të kenë shpresë, besim që do ia dalin dhe zero stres për shpenzimet e gjithçka tjetër. Por në atë spital, këto halle shtohen dhe i sëmuri jo vetëm që i humb shpresat, por në shumë raste vendos të mos luftojë që të mos i “rëndojë” familjes ekonomikisht. Kush e ka kaluar e kupton sa e vështirë është. Mami ia doli falë Zotit, por ishte një periudhë e vështirë jo vetëm për të, por për të gjithë ne që i qëndronim pranë. Kush është në të njëjtën situatë, kurajo, besim dhe do ia dilni me ndihmën e Zotit”.
“Në periudhën 2015-2016 kemi përjetuar të njëjtën gjë. Kemi blerë 1,500 euro flakonë për çdo seancë kimioterapie për babin. Imagjino që motra ishte staf mjekësor në spitalin e Shkodrës dhe shkonim me mik në Tiranë. Babi im ka qenë qytetar nderi dhe mësues për 45 vite. Kemi paguar deri te sanitarja që të mos bërtiste më të madhe kur pastronte dhomat; infermieren që të na gjente shtratin, sepse sapo hyje, shikoje njerëz të ulur nëpër shkallë, duke marrë kimioterapinë. Nuk do ta harroj kurrë një djalë të ri 20-vjeçar, i cili nuk kishte mundësi ekonomike dhe nuk i jepnin shtrat për të marrë kimioterapinë. Sillej infermierja me një arrogancë të paparë”.
"It happened to me with my 7-year-old cousin. He had a very advanced stage of the tumor and was in a bad psychological and economic condition. The doctors did not hesitate at all, without a point of humanity, to ask for money for the first operation. Besides the main doctor, the anesthesiologist should not be left without anything. I don't know how barbaric you can be to take money from a parent who is watching a 7 year old child fight for his life. He is now in Italy, although without any kind of documentation. One visit was all it took and the doctors there took over, they are giving him chemotherapy and everything from the beginning, after not a cent. We are a pity!".
"I am suffering with my father. Two months ago, he underwent radiation sessions and after the radiation, he could no longer walk. I suffer his pain and inability to walk every day. I went to dr. oncologist Ariana Dobraku (has the worst impressions in that hospital) and I told her what happened. "Go to the radiation doctor", he told me. I went there, she shrugged me off, telling me that she didn't know what had happened and that Dad should be checked with a neurologist. With great pain I see that dad is dying every few days, lying in bed, saying that it will get better. I never forgave myself for taking him to that hospital for x-rays. It's not just those names that appeared in the media, but I can say that most of the staff are the biggest health problem. Then, those of us who go, get sick worse than we are".
"All the stories we hear about the Oncologist are true. They brought my mom around for a year, telling her that there was nothing wrong. She had stage three cancer. After a year of persistence with tests and biopsies, mom was diagnosed with cancer, but they gave her the wrong chemotherapy. To see the old children from the districts waiting for hours in line and who will run after chemotherapy in vans in the districts... Inhumane treatment by the staff. You feel like crying. We took mom to Italy for treatment, where they gave her the right diagnosis and therapy. She is still alive, but those who do not have the financial means to escape, die in the corridors of the Oncology Department.
"I was very touched by the story of the Oncologist. I am devastated because it brought back bitter memories of being there with my mother. I remember, among other things, the fact that when we, together with many other patients, were waiting to receive the medication, there was talk of how the doctors and nurses would kill Dr. Alketa Peres, one of the doctors involved in this atrocity. And the saddest fact is that those women let all the patients wait, locked themselves in the doctor's room and drank coffee, since they should have given the death certificate for the mother".
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