Red roses, pink, white, purple, there are so many shades! When you order a beautiful and special bouquet for an important person in your life, you must first know the meaning of the color of the roses you choose.
We all know that red roses translate to romance, making them perfect to give for Valentine's Day, a love anniversary, etc. But, it's time to learn that specific meanings are "hidden" behind different colors of roses.
So, before you smell the next bouquet, understand the message behind the chosen color of roses.
#1 Red Roses - Romance & love
#2 Cherry red - Eternal love and devotion
#3 Pale Pink - Rating
#4 Bright pink roses - Admiration and gratitude
#5 Shade of Yellow - Friendship
#6 Lavender Color - Magic & Miracles
#7 Dark Purple - Intrigue and grandeur
#8 White Roses - Innocence and new love
#9 Orange - Fascination and enthusiasm
#10 Peach shade - Gratitude and gratitude
#11 Blue Rose - Mystery
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