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1 in 1 million: This girl gave birth to twins, from two different fathers!

Shkruar nga Anabel

13 Shtator 2022

1 in 1 million: This girl gave birth to twins, from two different fathers!
Photo Credits: Getty Images

A woman in Minerios, Portugal has given birth to twins from two different fathers.

The 19-year-old mother, whose identity is being withheld, recently gave birth to two sons.

The young woman said she was shocked when the DNA test of the man she thought was the father of the twins came back positive for only one of the children.

She told reporters that she had previously slept with two boys in one day.

This is believed to be the 20th case of heteroparental superfertilization recorded so far.

However, even though the children have different fathers, it is said that only one of them will be listed on their birth certificates as the "father".

The mother went on to say:

"He takes care of both of them, helps me a lot and gives them all the support they need."

Dr. Tulio Jorge Franco, an expert in the field, shared some insight into how something so unusual can happen.

In an interview with G1, he said:

"It is possible to happen when two eggs from the same mother are fertilized by different men. Children share the mother's genetic material, but they grow in different placentas. It is extremely rare. It happens one in a million. I never imagined that I would see such a case in my life.”

Dr. Franco added:

"The pregnancy was super smooth, without any complications. The boys were born healthy and never had any health problems."

Source: iheartintelligence